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Many industries and businesses utilize a warehouse or multiple warehouses to store goods. Warehouses can be used by manufacturers, retailers, importers and exporters, wholesalers, transporters and more. Usually located in industrial parks, these industrial locations often have fences and gates to separate one property from the next.
There’s a lot going on at a warehouse. For one, there is often loading and unloading. That means loading docks need to be secured, granting access to the right people while denying entry to those without authorization.
Warehouses are commonly found at railway stations, airports, seaports, utility plants, service stations, labs, stores, shipping centers and all types of businesses. Often they have fork trucks and lifts and other heavy equipment that helps move supplies and product around the facility. This type of environment requires access controls to protect assets and employees.
Warehouses are vital to business processes because they provide a way to safely store materials, they ensure a continuous supply of products, and they create incredible convenience. Warehousing materials improves a businesses efficiency tenfold due to locational advantages associated with logistics, material tracking, measurement, inventory, data analysis and so forth.
Accessible to pedestrians and vehicles both, the entrances to a warehouse provide many challenges requiring a physical barrier be in place. So beyond your typical perimeter fencing and gates, warehouse bays often require multiple players of gates and doors as well. Often a warehouse door will be left open while smaller gates prevent passage through the open portal.
Perimeter security can take many forms. Commonly a perimeter fence and gate get the job done. Sometimes the vehicular gate requires a guard station, other times an access panel or call box suffice. Turnstiles and pedestrian gates cover the foot traffic, often with a credential such as an employee badge granting access. Depending on the level of security needed, fences can be topped with climb deterrents such as barbed wire.
With so many types of warehouses out there, FDC StrongWeld gates provide a unique and durable solution to most issues. Our gates are durable and lightweight, allowing for a multitude of configurations and customization options.
Our Strongweld gates are exactly what you have been looking for, a secure gate Investment that is Lightweight, Durable a Mill Finish to keep it Maintenance Free / Won’t Rust.